Directions For Use:
Floors – Wood, Concrete, Tiled and Painted
Method: Spray on allow to soak for a few minutes, leave to dry or wipe off with cloth or mop.
Bench Tops – In Kitchens, Food Preparation Tables, Ovens, Stove Tops and Fridges.
Method: Spray, allow to soak, and then wipe dry with cloth.
Utensils, Crockery, Cutlery
Method: Soak in solution for 5 minutes, allow to dry or wipe dry.
Emergency Contact:
07 5590 5569
First Aid: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Maintain fluid levels.
If Spillage Occurs: Will decompose spontaneously without producing toxic
compounds. Neutralisation is not required
– Do not ingest
– Keep out of reach of children
– Store away from direct sunlight